In New York, Here's How to Bet on The Super Bowl

super bowl

This year's Super Bowl can be bet on online in NYC. It's been a fast start in the sector, with some of the leading sites still fighting for new clients and betting cash, with online operations beginning only in time for the NFL Playoffs last month. In early stages of the tournament, this rivalry has sparked a furious conflict.

DraftKings, FanDuel, as well as Caesars, have all risen to prominence as viable possibilities. Apps like PointsBet and BetMGM came later, but they've made a difference in the marketplace as well.

The Best Sports Betting Sites and Apps in New York

Those seeking intel on how to easily bet on the New York Super Bowl are probably curious about the possibilities, so let's dive into the finest New York sports betting websites same as the Online Casino Malaysia in 2022 before kickoff.

sport books

BetMGM Sportsbook

On Thursday, BetMGM upgraded its new player offer, now offering new players a complete deposit match when betting on the Super Bowl. BetMGM will double deposits up to $560 in honor of the game's 56th edition, virtually doubling bankrolls ahead of the contest. In terms of how to bet on the Super Bowl in New York, this is also a great option.

Caesars Sportsbook

This Sportsbook has made a strong start in New York. Commercials starring J.B. Smoove, the Manning family, and Halle Berry have sparked interest in the brand, nevertheless, it all eventually depends on the app's overall quality and perks in the end. And no software can outshine Caesars when it comes to bonuses.

Novice players who make a $50 deposit will earn a complete 100% deposit match. And this offer has a maximum value of $1,500, nonetheless, it has the largest potential for new players. It's also a great option to wager on the Super Bowl in New York because betters may get an extra $616 in free bets if they meet certain bet conditions.

FanDuel Sportsbook

FanDuel has been a sports betting leader in the market for a long time. It has generally the best app, in terms of appearance and performance, both, and arrives at the New York sports betting stage with an odds bonus of 56-to-1 for Super Bowl 56. With this promotion, players may place a $5 wager on any team from the Rams or the Bengals and earn up to $280 in cash.

DraftKings Sportsbook

DraftKings, like FanDuel, will give 56-to-1 odds, however, this time in website credit. However, the app will also offer gamers a chance to win a portion of 10 million USD in their free Super Bowl bets, along with five 1 million USD wagers to five players chosen at random. With a large number of bonuses accessible in-app, this sportsbook demonstrates why it so swiftly became recognized among the greatest New York sports betting choices.